Luminous 2015

 – luminous –
*radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright.
*lighted up or illuminated.
*brilliant intellectually; enlightened or enlightening.
*clear; readily intelligible.

Do you desire to make a great impact on the world? Are you successful, but feel like you’re missing a life of purpose and meaning?

You’ve spent years yearning to contribute your unique gifts to the world—searching for a truly significant way without sacrificing wealth and freedom. You’ve been relentlessly trying to reconcile your passions with prosperity. You’ve tried for so long trying to figure it all out on your own, only to end up overwhelmed and hopeless.

You’ve realized now that it’s deeper than all the to-do lists / webinars / training / books you can read, that the real change MUST come from within.

If you haven’t developed the vibrational field to handle your vision, it doesn’t matter what you “do”, you won’t be able to manifest what you want.

You know success but you are missing meaningful success.
You know that a deep spiritual connection is missing.
You crave to have the ability to live with more trust and use your intuition to navigate life. 
You want to make a greater impact on the world without giving up wealth and success.
You want to live life on purpose, and on your own terms.
You want to shine with radiance as a feminine woman and feel like your life is fully integrated – your spirit, your work, your health, your relationships, your wealth and legacy.

What I’ve found is that I do my best work working very intimately – like ‘BFF’s’ – with my clients. And because of time, I can only do that with a few select women. And only a few women are ready (have been waiting) for work like this. This is the most exclusive way to work with me, and the only way….

Announcing, L U M I N O U S – because this program is for the modern, feminine, radiant, celestial WOMAN.

If you are a high level corporate executive or entrepreneur who knows in your heart that you are a revolutionary here on this planet to be a changemaker, then this is for you.

I want to teach you that when you are living your purpose and tapped into cosmic consciousness in such a way that ALL Divine gifts are overflowing, you are Luminous.

Let’s be clear:

This journey requires hard work – daily commitments, discipline, and excellence.
It requires openness and readiness.
It requires an ability to put your ego aside.
It requires stepping greatly out of your comfort zone.

We’re talking about creating your legacy.

Deep connection to yourself and God/Spirit/Divine.
Unique Path and Purpose.
Platform — Website, social media, branding.
Book publication.
Speaking engagements.

Here’s how it works:

You will come for a Private VIP retreat at my guest home in Venice beach, Los Angeles for two days to get us started together. You will then join me here two more times throughout the year.

Our first weekend, we will:

  • Create your Big Vision and do the work to align with it vibrationally.
  • Establish a deeper understanding of Your Story. Core wounds, turning points and life themes.
  • Discover your Soul Signature Offering – Your Ideal Client & how you help them.
  • Create Vibrational Congruence – Establish a daily practice and rhythm to align with your Big Vision.
  • Hold a Shamanic ceremony – Connecting with the Divine Mother, your angels, guides, ancestors, and ascended Masters.

Throughout the year, we will go deep into:

  • subconscious sabotage patterning.
  • creating your arc-line and luminous aura so that you become a magnet for all that want.
  • re-programming neurological pathways using powerful ancient yoga rituals.
  • psychic, nervous system, and subtle body reorganization.
  • learning to live (and thrive) with fear.
  • wealth and prosperity up-leveling.
  • activation of clarity and creativity energies.
  • true feminine radiance and confidence.
  • all that launching and running your business entails.

This is NOT your normal coaching program where we meet 3x/month and nothing in between. Nope.  In Luminous, we will work VERY intimately to prepare you to step into the bigness that is waiting for you. YOU are a revolutionary, and you are ready to live your legacy. 

This is also not airy fairy hippie work. This is a scientifically based transformation journey.


Before working with Tara, I knew I wanted to start my own business but really didn’t have a clue where to begin, and wasn’t sure I had enough to offer. I felt overwhelmed, confused, and, frankly, quite scared by the task in hand. However, after working with Tara, I have gained confidence and learned to trust that I do have something unique to offer the world.

I didn’t just want a business coach, I specifically wanted to work with Tara because of her spirituality and female intuition. She helped guide me to listen to my own intuition and trust in a divine higher power. She also coached me around the issues I had around money and what I can charge as a coach without feeling guilty. 
Tara has been an amazing coach, mentor and friend to me and I’ve loved working with her. She has great positive energy and spirituality and is very intuitive. 
– Stacie Kinchin,, London, UK


Your whole life will dramatically change. Your body. Your mind. Your money. Your relationships. Your luminosity.

What’s Included?

  • 3 x 2 day Private Retreats at my home in Los Angeles.
  • 2x a month one hour video call.
  • Text and email almost daily. I’ll be available for your phone calls as questions arise — we will literally work like we are in an intimate soul sister relationship. That’s why there’s only room for 5 women in 2015 Luminous. And why the transformation will be so tremendous.
  • My prayers, intentions, and energy holding space for your Big Vision.
  • Access to my thousands of dollars of teachings, contacts, colleagues, friends, and connections.
  • You get all of me!  The best way to make huge change is to hang out with people further along than you.


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